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Seven Ways to Get Noticed in Your Job Search

Do you feel like you’re on an endless journey of not finding a job?

Do you hate being ignored when you send your resume to countless employers?

Are you approaching your job search like everyone else? BINGO!

You’re just blending in with the Job Search Herd when you’re like everyone else. In order to get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers, you must stand out from the Herd.

Don’t Blend In – Be Different

How to do this? Be creative. Take a different approach to your job search and you’ll start to see positive responses.

For instance:

(1) Have business cards advertising “You” and your job search.

(2) Create an Elevator Pitch that focuses on what you can do for your next company.

Write a Resume that Gets Noticed

(3) Build a Resume that is focused on satisfying the needs of your next employer, and you are ahead of the Job Search Herd.

Recruiters see hundreds of resumes that all look the same. Additionally, the Applicant Tracking Software that most recruiters utilize ignore resumes that don’t match specific job competency requirements.

(4) To successfully get through the Recruiting and Applicant Tracking Software gate, simply copy the “Needed Job Competencies” of the position in which you’re interested and paste them on your resume.

Your job skills and competencies should be in the top one-fourth of the first page of the resume.

Important! If you don’t have at least 95% of the needed position skills, DO NOT apply to the position or pirate the job posting.

Always Include Results

(5) The “Results” section of your resume should be placed directly below the “Job Skills and Competencies” section of the resume. The results should be reflective of the job competencies you just listed.

Now, you can be like everyone else and include a chronological listing of your past employers. Recruiters only want to see the last ten years of employment. If you want to include more, add an additional section, “Early Career History,” and list only the employer name and your job title. No need to brand yourself as being older by listing dates and specifics in which there is little or no interest.

(6) Lastly, think like an employer. If you were the Hiring Manager what words on your resume would get attention? Hint: Action-oriented words written in the present tense get more attention. The words used in the “Results” section of your resume should be solutions oriented. Simply state the problem and how you helped your company solve the problem.

(7) The “Results” section must include metrics. Executives like to see numbers and relate better to numbers than to words.

Below is an example of a resume that has been created by utilizing a job posting’s needed competencies and enhanced with a listing of results that include metrics.

A Sample of an Awesome Resume

City, State Address email address @ 713-555-1212

(Name of the position listing)

Dynamic and versatile Design Engineering Manager with proven superior performance in planning, directing, orchestrating and executing initiatives to deliver quality on-time Design Engineering products and services. (contains key words in the position listing)


(copied from position listing)

  • Stimulation software expertise in 3D CAM and FEA/Stimulation software for product enhancement and/or development.
  • Stimulation software utilized to accurately check manufacturing drawings from models for design projects underway.
  • Develop on-going reports for submission to customer and management related to product incidents in the field.
  • Responsible for solving and/or resolving all manufacturing and/or assembly issues.
  • Perform or coordinate analysis at third-party laboratories to confirm material conformance to specifications or reaction of product materials to application fluids. (copied from Job Posting Description)


(matches Job Skills above with Results and Metrics added)

  • Effectively utilized stimulation software EXPERTISE in 3D CAM and FEA/Stimulation software for product enhancement and./or development at XYZ Company. RESULTS: 98% effectiveness; $80,000 cost savings.
  • Significant Successes at ABC Corp. through the effective design of Stimulation software. Results: On-going patents pending; $10 million savings; 90% customer satisfaction
  • Developed management and customer reports related to product incidents in the field. Results: $3 million contracts secured; anticipated marketing valued at $10 million.
  • Responsible for solving and/or resolving all manufacturing and/or assembly issues at ABC Corp. and XYZ Company, netting manufacturing savings of approximately $20 million.
  • Manager responsibilities include analysis at third-party laboratories to confirm material conformance to specifications or reaction of product materials to application fluids. Results: total manufacturing production savings at three companies: $80 million.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE(listed in chronological order)

(complete resume in the typical format)

Follow the above example and you’ll get noticed as being above the Job Search Herd. You’ll quickly pass through the Recruiter and Applicant Tracking System gate and onto Interview Scheduling.

Good Luck and Happy Job Hunt!